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Listing Id: 4793 Total Views: 21317

(Sold) 1st In Singapore & Asia, Collaborative Investing!

Central Area

Date Closed: 27/03/2019

Asking Price: S$20,000


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental N/A
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Investor
  • Staff N/A
  • Established 2017
  • Source Broker

Reason For Sale

Finding Investors!


You may wonder, what is Collaborative Investing (CI)?
Collaborative Investment is working with others to achieve the funding required to reach a shared goal. It is where multiple individual Investors with pockets and sums of funds gather their funds, where the sum is being put into potential investments (businesses) of their choice to rolls the invested money into more folds!
Collaborative Investing has been popular and gain tremendous success in Europe areas. We are adopting the system and launching the 1st in Singapore and Asia.
Don’t miss out of this opportunity! Be the pioneer to find out more about our new launch!

“We will recruit like-minded investors and entrepreneurs who were attracted to both our mission and our approach.”

If you are having a low budget or having spare money and wondering where to invest in, contact us and let us share more with you! We are opening up this opportunity to invite all to earn and grow together. Wait no further, don’t miss out the chance to earn in this potential market. *We carefully select businesses to invest. IT WOULD BE YOUR OWN CHOICE TO DECIDE WHICH BUSINESS IS SUITABLE FOR YOU. Do not worry being new to investments, we will guide you through.

Min Investment Sum: $ 20K
*Tell us your thoughts, do not miss this chance!

Contact us and more insight will be shared!

“Our objective end of the day, is for client enjoy the investment process because they are part of it and because that collaborative investing cost them nothing, while allowing them the freedom to contribute to the process.”
For any further enquiries, contact us and we will share with you how we will be more successful than others. Contact us @ or + 65 9105 9695

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